Peyton Dixon.                                                        ImaginatiOn.






Portraying John Adams in Independence Hall.

John Adams, as usual, in debate.

As itinerant preacher Simon Blessing, leading a Methodist meeting in Christ Church United Methodist, Louisville, KY.

Simon Blessing giving testimony to confirmands at Historic St. George's, Philadelphia.





At the edge of the twenty-first century, I discovered my future in the past. Through the art of first-person interpretation, I have sought to bring the past to the present, not only for entertainment, but for enlightenment. I have portrayed a wide range of people, from invented characters based upon data and diaries of the day, to the more known figures in history, such as William Penn and William Franklin. This has led me to two passionate pursuits:




Experience the early days of the American church through the eyes of the Methodists and the Anglicans (Episcopalians). An eighteenth century preacher visits your place of worship or fellowship, and brings you through the different practices and insights of our forefathers' faith practices. Anything from basic testimony to full period services can be witnessed! Discover more at:




This lesser-lauded president of the United States and champion of independence has experienced a reawakening in America today. And now you can encounter the man in person, through the interpretation of Peyton Dixon. Years of research and discovery have helped him create an insight into Adams that you can share with your business, school, or community. Adams brings history to your door! Find out how at